
Download animaniacs wakko's wish
Download animaniacs wakko's wish

download animaniacs wakko

Wakko, saddened about Dot's illness and finding no other choice, tries wishing upon a star. But after he gets his pay (a half penny, quite a substantial amount in the near bankrupt country), Plotz takes it away from him, lying that it's for taxes. So Wakko decides to find work in another town to pay for it. Three orphans, Yakko, Wakko and Dot Warner, are particularly troubled, as Dot needs an operation. Taking advantage of the situation, the neighboring fictional kingdom of Ticktockia (a parody of Time Inc.), led by King Salazar, the Pushy, takes over Warnerstock, and makes all its people (and the Mime) poor and miserable due to overtaxing (a parody of the Time Inc.- Warner merger) However, upon the death of the king, Sir William the Good, Warnerstock enters a state of civil war. In the town of Acme Falls within the kingdom of Warnerstock, all the Animaniacs characters (and a mime) live happily together.

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